
The European R users meeting (eRum) is a biennial conference that brings the R users community of Europe together to exchange experiences, broaden knowledge of R and collaborate. e-Rum2020 will take place in Milan (Italy) from June 17 to June 20.

eRum is an open event, and it welcomes expert and skillful practitioners as well as people who just want to take a peek at the future of data science. e-Rum2020 aims to provide a platform for the creation of new collaborations and for sharing experiences. eRum is a no profit conference, and this year it will be a virtual event, with free access for everyone.

About our site

This website was built with ❤️ using the blogdown that creates this website on GitHub. The theme was forked from @jrutheiser/hugo-lithium-theme and modified by Yihui Xie.